"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to
speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around."
- Jim Rohn
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Poster in My Classroom |
Be "Respectful". For example, you should raise your hand when you want to answer or ask a question or when you want to contribute to a whole class discussion. In addition, you should never have your phone out unless you have my permission.
Poster in My Classroom |
Be "Responsible". For example, you should always come to class on time, remember to bring a pencil, and be prepared to participate.
Poster in My Classroom |
Be "Resourceful". For example, you should listen to and follow directions carefully and only ask for help once you have tried to figure out the answer to your question on your own.
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"Mr. Hall's Hall of Fame" for Exemplary Work |
I think the best teachers instruct kids not just about their content area – they also teach their students how to be better people and responsible citizens.
Free and Frequent
Strong and Long Term
Gold Star Stickers (for exceptional academic work)
Extra Credit (for students whose contribution to a class activity adds significant value to the entire class)
Mr. Hall's Hall of Fame (bulletin board where a student's exceptional writing will be posted for peers to see and hopefully model)
Verbal Praise (for students who model exceptional behavior)
Phone Calls to Parents (for students who exhibit excellent behavior - parents should not only get calls when kids are misbehaving!)
Pizza Party (a fun activity for classes whose behavior has been excellent for an entire month)
Candy (for students who are "caught" going above and beyond to help their peers)
Free Time (when the class completes an activity early due to their focus and productivity)
Field Trip (a field trip to a movie or place of literary significance for classes who display responsible behavior for several months)
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Birmingham City Schools Code of Student Conduct |
I want to have a positive atmosphere in my classroom, but I will impose penalties for classroom rule violations, and I will do so quickly, consistently, fairly, and without arguing.
Level 1:
First Strike - I will write your misbehavior next to your name on my clipboard, place one behavioral strike (the "B" symbol) in the attendance box for the day next to your name and walk by and discreetly show you that you have received a first strike and why.
Level 2:
Second Strike - I will place a check next to your name, write additional information about your misbehavior on my clipboard, and walk by and discreetly show you that you have received a second strike and why.
Level 3:
Third Strike - I will circle your name, write additional information about your misbehavior on my clipboard, and walk by and discreetly show you that you have struck out and therefore lost your participation points for the day.
Level 4:
If you continue to misbehave after striking out, I will call your parent/guardian EITHER DURING OR AFTER CLASS to discuss possible solutions for your behavior.
Level 5:
If your behavior does not improve after parent/guardian phone contact, I will ask your parent/guardian to come to school for a conference about your behavior.
Level 6:
If your behavior does not improve after parent/guardian conference, I will notify you and your parent/guardian that I am referring you to the administration for further behavioral intervention. I will abide by whatever decision the administration makes regarding your behavior.
Level 7:
If at any time your misbehavior rises to the level of a Class II or III Offense (INCLUDING ENGAGING IN VERBAL OR PHYSICAL DISPUTES, WILLFUL DISRESPECT TO MYSELF OR OTHER STUDENTS, REPEATED REFUSAL TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS, OR PERSISTENT DISRUPTION IN THE CLASSROOM) I will immediately notify an administrator on duty who will remove you from the classroom.
I will strictly follow the school’s rules when it comes to disciplinary referrals for violations of school-wide rules, including dress code, tardies/absences, threats, and so forth.